One Stroke Painting - Creative painting has never been so
One stroke painting is a unique creative painting technique developed by Donna Dewberry.
It's fast and very easy to learn because the technique allows you
to blend, highlight and shade all in one stroke.
Whether you are looking for a new hobby or a creative
way to make extra money, one stroke painting is the ideal choice.
Once you master the basic onestroke techniques you will be amazed
at the creative talent you will find inside yourself.
You can onestroke on almost anything - card, candles, glass, wood,
plastic, metal, even furniture and walls... in fact the possibilities
are endless. It's satisfying, fun and very easy. But be
warned, one stroke painting is also very addictive!
In this web site you will find -
about me and I became fascinated with this wonderful
creative painting technique. |
Information about
one stroke painting classes and demonstrations. |
Online tutorials showing
you the basic one stroke painting techniques. |
A portfolio of
my own work which
clearly shows just how versatile one stroke painting really is. |
One Stroke Shop Buy
all your One Stroke / Folk Art paints, brushes, books, videos,
teaching guides, etc online or by mail order. |
So take a few moments to browse around. Let your creative juices
flow and your imagination go wild!
Have fun

One Stroke Certified Instructor (OSCI) |